Everything about Hong Kong is fantastic. It's small enough that getting around is very easy, all modes of transportation are great. Taxi, Subway, Walking, Ferries, Tram or Bus, you name it and it's pretty simple to navigate. The landscape is beautiful - water, decently clean air, many many tress and lots of outdoor activities. Hiking trails are abundant. The seafood is fantastic - we ventured out to a seafood market one night for dinner. You can see some of our photos below. Delicious! I can't not mention the great Dim Sum! Yum. It was nice to also have a brief respite from struggling with speaking Chinese everyday. The majority of the population in HK speaks english so daily interactions are much simpler and easier.
The people are still just as friendly as the majority of people in mainland China and I can't wait to go back for my next Hiking/Shopping trip!
1 comment:
Yes HK is realy lovley. Specialy on the top of mt davis or on the other mountain top(i forgot the name) and the ppl are more friendly there i think...
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